Global Energy Technology Policy Professionals Program


News & Event

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Field Experiment Revolution in Economics Research w/Prof. Y. Sawada (Nov.18)

On November 4, 2016, Professor Yasuyuki Sawada (University of Tokyo)​ delivered a presentation on the emerging trends in economics research, focusing on field experimentation at the Green School. He discussed the growth in research and the opportunities for economics research to address real world problems in developmental economics. The shift towards action and and multidisciplinary collaboration is bringing together research opportunities that can address development issues of poverty, energy use, and health. 






- Title: The Field Experiment Revolution in Economics Research: Insights from Development Economics


- Speaker: Prof. Yasuyuki Sawada (University of Tokyo)

- Time: Nov. 18(Fri.) 11:30 - 13:00 

- Venue: Innovation Building #623


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Writer GETPPP Office Date 2016-11-17 08:51:24